Easter Sunday in Phnom Penh.
Hi everyone..It's been ages since I wrote anything on here..I promise ill start posting more regularly.Id like to mention that I appreciate all the emails ive been getting at krazykenyan@yahoo.com...it's been sooo exciting reading and replying to yall.Otherwise so far life is still good I havent done anything realllly interesting lately.Oh but I went down to sihanoukvile a few weeks back and went to bamboo island..that was a fun weekend. I was asked in one of the emails to describe what i normally do on weekends or rather what is there to do in Phnom Penh Cambodia on the weekends...and well I really dono what to say.There is aloooooot of things to do..there are bands playing in some bars,open mics,house parties,boat parties, I guess it just depends on the group of friends one has.Am afraid if I said what i normally do on most weekends people will go like pffft that is the most boring thing ive ever heard...lol but mostly I just meet up with friends and do something..have d...